An essay on the Arbutus Uva Ursi and Pyrola Umbellata …
John Mitchell, 1803
(Medicine – Botanic) (Sexuality) Mitchell, John. An essay on the Arbutus Uva Ursi and Pyrola Umbellata … An inaugural dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine … [University of Pennsylvania]. Philadelphia: Printed for the author by Eaken & Mecum, 1803. 8vo, unbound pamphlet, stitched, [i, 35] pp.; text preceded by engraving drawn by Univ. of Penn. Professor William Bartram, leaves foxed, rough edges worn with chips and staining, two leaves unopened, fair; faint early ownership inscription on title page, “Mrs.(?) Woods.”
Uva Ursi (Bear-berry) was known from indigenous medicine, it is still used in limited applications such as cystitis. The text details preparation, chemical analysis, and experiments on patients from the Philadelphia Alms House who were suffering from gonorrhea. It was found to be efficacious.