Á las Señoras Católicas

Florinda Lazos León, 1926

Broadside by soldadera, suffragist, and labor organizer Lazos León: the first woman to serve in state-level elected office in Mexico.

Á las Señoras Católicasclose

Broadside by soldadera, suffragist, and labor organizer Lazos León: the first woman to serve in state-level elected office in Mexico.

Acción Y Fe

La Unión Nacional de Sociedades Femeniles Cristianas, 1927

(Evangelicalism) (Women Missionaries) Unrecorded? collection of plays, music, and stories to be used domestically and in the field.

Acción Y Feclose

(Evangelicalism) (Women Missionaries) Unrecorded? collection of plays, music, and stories to be used domestically and in the field.

Frente Popular en todo el mundo [...]

[Dimitrov, Georgi], [1935]

(Communist Publishers) Mexican edition of Dimitrov's speeches from the 1935 Comintern, with 3 publicity slips for the communist publisher EFC.

Frente Popular en todo el mundo [...]close

(Communist Publishers) Mexican edition of Dimitrov's speeches from the 1935 Comintern, with 3 publicity slips for the communist publisher EFC.

Acción Femenina [title from cover]: V Asamblea

[Unión Femenina Católica Mexicana], 1940

(Antifeminism) (Counter-Revolution) (Women - Religious Organizations)

Acción Femenina [title from cover]: V Asambleaclose

(Antifeminism) (Counter-Revolution) (Women - Religious Organizations)

Ciudad Concreto

Ana Lorena Ochoa, 2010

(Photobook) (Urban Planning)

Ciudad Concretoclose

(Photobook) (Urban Planning)

Five Mexican Gay Liberation Movement Magazines


Five Mexican Gay Liberation Movement Magazinesclose

Flores en el desierto: Mujeres del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno

Gloria Muñoz Ramírez, 2018

(Indigenous Women) (Indigenous Political Organizations) (Horizontalidad)

Flores en el desierto: Mujeres del Concejo Indígena de Gobiernoclose

(Indigenous Women) (Indigenous Political Organizations) (Horizontalidad)

Semblanza de la mujer mexicana y su participación en el movimiento obrero [...]

Graciana Becerril de Beltran, 1961

Unrecorded? booklet on the history of Mexican women's labor.

Semblanza de la mujer mexicana y su participación en el movimiento obrero [...]close

Unrecorded? booklet on the history of Mexican women's labor.

Los misterios desvelados [sic]; tratados de quirognomia; el árbol del ocultismo [...]

Zulema Moraima Gelo, 1929

(Occult) (Fortune Telling) Signed copy of a rare Mexican chirology guide.

Los misterios desvelados [sic]; tratados de quirognomia; el árbol del ocultismo [...]close

(Occult) (Fortune Telling) Signed copy of a rare Mexican chirology guide.

El Espacio Escultórico


Rare and only monograph documenting UNAM’s monumental sculpture park, a landmark of late 20th century Mexican sculpture and urban planning.

El Espacio Escultóricoclose

Rare and only monograph documenting UNAM’s monumental sculpture park, a landmark of late 20th century Mexican sculpture and urban planning.

Bajo las garras de la gestapo: 36 días en capilla

Romero Giménez, Carlos., 1943

(Exile) (French Resistance) (Gestapo) Memoir of exiled Spanish Republican's capture, torture, escape, and recapture by the Nazis.

Bajo las garras de la gestapo: 36 días en capillaclose

(Exile) (French Resistance) (Gestapo) Memoir of exiled Spanish Republican's capture, torture, escape, and recapture by the Nazis.

Nota Roja: 27 Vintage Photos of Crimes and Accidents

ca. 1970-1980

Nota Roja: 27 Vintage Photos of Crimes and Accidentsclose

Allegorical Map of Mexico City and Environs

Carlos Herrmann, ca. 1930-1935

Allegorical Map of Mexico City and Environsclose

Ricardo Aldape Guerra: ¡Condenado a muerte!

Sergio Jaubert, 1989

Against the wrongful conviction of illegal Mexican immigrant, Ricardo Aldape, for the murder of a Houston cop.

Ricardo Aldape Guerra: ¡Condenado a muerte!close

Against the wrongful conviction of illegal Mexican immigrant, Ricardo Aldape, for the murder of a Houston cop.

La lucha política de las mujeres


Propagandistic account of the women's movement in Mexico.

La lucha política de las mujeresclose

Propagandistic account of the women's movement in Mexico.

Revista Mujeres Insurgentes


(Feminism) (Mexico)

Revista Mujeres Insurgentesclose

(Feminism) (Mexico)

Mirlitón: El Compañero de Juan

Maria Enriqueta Camarillo, 1918

Signed first edition by the feminist Mexican children's author, novelist, and translator.

Mirlitón: El Compañero de Juanclose

Signed first edition by the feminist Mexican children's author, novelist, and translator.

Alrededor de México: Vista en los carros especiales de La Compañía Limitada de Tranvías Eléctricos


(Tourism) (Railways) Promoting special guided parlor car service on Mexico City's new electric tramway.

Alrededor de México: Vista en los carros especiales de La Compañía Limitada de Tranvías Eléctricosclose

(Tourism) (Railways) Promoting special guided parlor car service on Mexico City's new electric tramway.

Nine Photographs

Antonio R. Caballero, ca. 1965

Vintage prints from a pioneer of the "fotonovela" genre.

Nine Photographsclose

Vintage prints from a pioneer of the "fotonovela" genre.

Untitled Photograph

Hector García, ca. 1955-1960

Untitled Photographclose

Two Photographs

[Rina Wasern Lazo and Diego Rivera], ca. 1950

Scarce documentation of the Guatemalan muralist Rina Lazo and her mentor, Diego Rivera.

Two Photographsclose

Scarce documentation of the Guatemalan muralist Rina Lazo and her mentor, Diego Rivera.

75 Photographs of the Aftermath of the Mexico City Earthquake


Amateur photography of Mexico's era-defining event, subject to a governmental media blackout

75 Photographs of the Aftermath of the Mexico City Earthquakeclose

Amateur photography of Mexico's era-defining event, subject to a governmental media blackout

Agro: La Mejor Revista del Campo. Año I, No. 5.


Single issue of a rare serial distributed to "campesinos [y] agricultores ..."

Agro: La Mejor Revista del Campo. Año I, No. 5.close

Single issue of a rare serial distributed to "campesinos [y] agricultores ..."

Mitos y Leyendas de Teotihuacan [...]

Departamento del Distrito Federal [México], Dirección General de Acción Cívica, 1935

Bilingual program for a musical theater event in the Teotihuacan archeological zone.

Mitos y Leyendas de Teotihuacan [...]close

Bilingual program for a musical theater event in the Teotihuacan archeological zone.

Primer Salon Nacional de la Estampa

[Alfredo Guati Rojo] , 1972

Unrecorded? catalogue for a new printmaking salon at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.

Primer Salon Nacional de la Estampaclose

Unrecorded? catalogue for a new printmaking salon at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.

Venus: Las Estrellas en Exclusiva! Nos. 73, 75-77, 79-82, 84-85, 88, 91-92, 95-104.

[Carlos Samayoa Lizárraga], 1966

Unrecorded cinema tabloid featuring Mexican actresses, edited by founder of groundbreaking prensa rojo weekly, Alarma!

Venus: Las Estrellas en Exclusiva! Nos. 73, 75-77, 79-82, 84-85, 88, 91-92, 95-104.close

Unrecorded cinema tabloid featuring Mexican actresses, edited by founder of groundbreaking prensa rojo weekly, Alarma!

Two programs celebrating the inauguration of Mexico’s Supreme Court buildings in 1904 and 1964

1904; 1964

Privately printed, illustrated booklets document relationship between architecture and legal organization.

Two programs celebrating the inauguration of Mexico’s Supreme Court buildings in 1904 and 1964close

Privately printed, illustrated booklets document relationship between architecture and legal organization.

Museos: Realizaciones y Proyectos

[Ruth Marín Rivera], [1962]

Exh. cat. of realized and unrealized Mexican museums, at the INBA Dept. of Architecture

Museos: Realizaciones y Proyectosclose

Exh. cat. of realized and unrealized Mexican museums, at the INBA Dept. of Architecture

Acción Plástica Popular: Educación y Aprendizaje a Escala Nacional. Con ciento cinco reproducciones

Gabriel García Maroto, 1945

Record of a short-lived experimental children's art program brought to Mexico by the publisher of Frederico García Lorca's first book.

Acción Plástica Popular: Educación y Aprendizaje a Escala Nacional. Con ciento cinco reproduccionesclose

Record of a short-lived experimental children's art program brought to Mexico by the publisher of Frederico García Lorca's first book.

Arquitectura de la Ciudad de México: Guía

International Union of Architects, World Congress, 1978

Uncommon guide to historical and modern architecture of Mexico City, designed by Beatrice Trueblood.

Arquitectura de la Ciudad de México: Guíaclose

Uncommon guide to historical and modern architecture of Mexico City, designed by Beatrice Trueblood.

Plastica Bajacaliforniana: Selección Bienal 1977

Uncommon catalogue of the second Baja artist biennial at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, CDMX.

Plastica Bajacaliforniana: Selección Bienal 1977close

Uncommon catalogue of the second Baja artist biennial at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, CDMX.

Centro Deportivo Chapultepec: Recuerdo de la Inauguración de los Nuevos Edificios

[Gaspar Octavio Almanza and Ramiro Romo] , 1950

Celebrating a new sports complex designed by Gonzalo Garita and Carlos Romo with murals by Ramiro Romo Estada.

Centro Deportivo Chapultepec: Recuerdo de la Inauguración de los Nuevos Edificiosclose

Celebrating a new sports complex designed by Gonzalo Garita and Carlos Romo with murals by Ramiro Romo Estada.

10 Mujeres y Textil en 3D / 10 Women and Textile into 3D

Galeria Universitaria Aristos, 1975

Fiber arts catalogue.

10 Mujeres y Textil en 3D / 10 Women and Textile into 3Dclose

Fiber arts catalogue.


[Gustavo Valcárcel and Adolfo Mexiac (Illustrator)], 1956

Condensed biography by the Instituto Nacional Indigenista with illustrations by Adolfo Mexiac.


Condensed biography by the Instituto Nacional Indigenista with illustrations by Adolfo Mexiac.


Comité Organizador de la Participación en la Exposición Ibero-Americana de Sevilla, 1929

Large format propaganda album, presenting glories of post-revolutionary Mexico.


Large format propaganda album, presenting glories of post-revolutionary Mexico.

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