Five Mexican Gay Liberation Movement Magazines
Five Mexican Gay Liberation Movement Magazines, 1989-1992.
Examples celebrating LGBT+ culture in Mexico at the height of the AIDS (SIDA) crisis: a period in which persecution and violence against gay and lesbian people in Mexico was still common (especially the murder of transsexuals and transvestites).
Comprised of:
41 soñar fantasmas: Información Gay lésbica. Núm 1. Mexico, D.F.: Centro de Información y Documentación de las Homosexualidades en México “Ignacio Alvarez” (CIDHOM) del Colectivo Sol, A.C., 1992. Large format, 34 cm, 32 pp.; profusely illustrated; in stapled color wrappers, lightly worn. Includes articles on SIDA, safe sex, personal ads, and coverage of the 1992 CMDX Pride parade in a color centerfold.
Macho Tips. Numero 22. Mexico, D.F.: Macho International, 1989.
Hermes. Números. 1-3. Mexico, D.F.: Febo Editores, 1990-1991. 23 cm, each 76 pp.; profusely illustrated. Stapled color pictorial wrappers. Three runs listed in OCLC, Cornell, Texas A&M, and ONE/UCLA. ONE Archives records seem to indicate a second iteration under the same title, published between 1992-1994.