Latin Americana: New Acquisitions in Architecture, Art, Feminism (Antifeminism), Labor, Suffrage, Poetry, Radio, Revolution (Counter-Revolution), and [Spain]



Traços biographicos da heroína brasileira Jovita Alves Feitosa ...

[Feitosa, Jovita Alves] 1865

(Women Soldiers) (War Propaganda) (Brazil) Scarce contemporary bio of a celebrated national heroine of the Paraguayan War.

Traços biographicos da heroína brasileira Jovita Alves Feitosa ...close

(Women Soldiers) (War Propaganda) (Brazil) Scarce contemporary bio of a celebrated national heroine of the Paraguayan War.

Manolin: Novela Original

Eva Canel 1891

(Cuban Book History) (Romance) (Women's Readership) First edition of the romance novel by the prolific journalist Eva Canel.

Manolin: Novela Originalclose

(Cuban Book History) (Romance) (Women's Readership) First edition of the romance novel by the prolific journalist Eva Canel.

Alrededor de México: Vista en los carros especiales de La Compañía Limitada de Tranvías Eléctricos


(Tourism) (Railways) Promoting special guided parlor car service on Mexico City's new electric tramway.

Alrededor de México: Vista en los carros especiales de La Compañía Limitada de Tranvías Eléctricosclose

(Tourism) (Railways) Promoting special guided parlor car service on Mexico City's new electric tramway.

La Hora de Queda: Novelas Cortas

Inés Echeverría Bello 1918

Signed first edition of one of Chile's early proto-feminist novels.

La Hora de Queda: Novelas Cortasclose

Signed first edition of one of Chile's early proto-feminist novels.

Berta Singerman


Early signed publicity photograph of the Jewish Argentinian actress and singer.

Berta Singermanclose

Early signed publicity photograph of the Jewish Argentinian actress and singer.

Á las Señoras Católicas

Florinda Lazos León 1926

Broadside by soldadera, suffragist, and labor organizer Lazos León: the first woman to serve in state-level elected office in Mexico.

Á las Señoras Católicasclose

Broadside by soldadera, suffragist, and labor organizer Lazos León: the first woman to serve in state-level elected office in Mexico.

Acción Y Fe

La Unión Nacional de Sociedades Femeniles Cristianas 1927

(Evangelicalism) (Women Missionaries) Unrecorded? collection of plays, music, and stories to be used domestically and in the field.

Acción Y Feclose

(Evangelicalism) (Women Missionaries) Unrecorded? collection of plays, music, and stories to be used domestically and in the field.

Los misterios desvelados [sic]; tratados de quirognomia; el árbol del ocultismo [...]

Zulema Moraima Gelo 1929

(Occult) (Fortune Telling) Signed copy of a rare Mexican chirology guide.

Los misterios desvelados [sic]; tratados de quirognomia; el árbol del ocultismo [...]close

(Occult) (Fortune Telling) Signed copy of a rare Mexican chirology guide.

Allegorical Map of Mexico City and Environs

Carlos Herrmann ca. 1930-1935

Allegorical Map of Mexico City and Environsclose


Silvia Guerrico 1932

(Radio) (Tango) (Women's Literature) (Association Copy) Signed first editions by the rioplatense radio star.


(Radio) (Tango) (Women's Literature) (Association Copy) Signed first editions by the rioplatense radio star.

Cultura Doméstica; Cultura Femenina (all published)

(Karr, Carme, aka Carmen Karr) 1933-1935

(Feminism) Complete run (24 issues) of an uncommon Spanish Republican women’s serial.

Cultura Doméstica; Cultura Femenina (all published)close

(Feminism) Complete run (24 issues) of an uncommon Spanish Republican women’s serial.

Eight Spanish Republican Women’s Groups’ Handbills and Flyers

Agrupación Mujeres Libres; La Secció Femenina del Bloc Obrer i Camperol; Las Agrupaciones Femeninas del Partido Radical, et al. 1934-1938

(Suffrage) (Anarcho-Feminism) (Music) Unrecorded ephemera from Republican women's political organizations.

Eight Spanish Republican Women’s Groups’ Handbills and Flyersclose

(Suffrage) (Anarcho-Feminism) (Music) Unrecorded ephemera from Republican women's political organizations.

Frente Popular en todo el mundo [...]

[Dimitrov, Georgi] [1935]

(Communist Publishers) Mexican edition of Dimitrov's speeches from the 1935 Comintern, with 3 publicity slips for the communist publisher EFC.

Frente Popular en todo el mundo [...]close

(Communist Publishers) Mexican edition of Dimitrov's speeches from the 1935 Comintern, with 3 publicity slips for the communist publisher EFC.

La Mujer Proletaria: Poemas Escolares

Carmen Basurto 1935

(Women’s Work) Presentation copy signed by the Mexican poet to feminist Leonor Llach.

La Mujer Proletaria: Poemas Escolaresclose

(Women’s Work) Presentation copy signed by the Mexican poet to feminist Leonor Llach.

Diez Maestros


(Ocampo, Victoria) (Feminism) Radio conference proceedings with the first published instance of Ocampo's manifesto "La mujer y su expresión."

Diez Maestrosclose

(Ocampo, Victoria) (Feminism) Radio conference proceedings with the first published instance of Ocampo's manifesto "La mujer y su expresión."

La Mujer y su Expresión

Victoria Ocampo 1936

Signed first edition of Ocampo's first collection of feminist essays, with dedication to Alberto Gerchunoff.

La Mujer y su Expresiónclose

Signed first edition of Ocampo's first collection of feminist essays, with dedication to Alberto Gerchunoff.

1a Exposició de Cartells [...] Internacionals en Previsió dels Accidents de Treball


Two illustrated calendars commemorating an exhibition of international worker safety posters.

1a Exposició de Cartells [...] Internacionals en Previsió dels Accidents de Treballclose

Two illustrated calendars commemorating an exhibition of international worker safety posters.

Cuentos para Mari-Sol

Marta Brunet and Maria Valencia, Illus. 1938?

Elusive first ed. of the beloved children's book by Chilean suffragist Marta Brunet; the only edition illus. by artist Maria Valencia.

Cuentos para Mari-Solclose

Elusive first ed. of the beloved children's book by Chilean suffragist Marta Brunet; the only edition illus. by artist Maria Valencia.

Acción Femenina [title from cover]: V Asamblea

[Unión Femenina Católica Mexicana] 1940

(Antifeminism) (Counter-Revolution) (Women - Religious Organizations)

Acción Femenina [title from cover]: V Asambleaclose

(Antifeminism) (Counter-Revolution) (Women - Religious Organizations)

Bajo las garras de la gestapo: 36 días en capilla

Romero Giménez, Carlos. 1943

(Exile) (French Resistance) (Gestapo) Memoir of exiled Spanish Republican's capture, torture, escape, and recapture by the Nazis.

Bajo las garras de la gestapo: 36 días en capillaclose

(Exile) (French Resistance) (Gestapo) Memoir of exiled Spanish Republican's capture, torture, escape, and recapture by the Nazis.

Collection of 140 Argentinian Women Artists’ Exhibition Announcements and Catalogs


Substantial collection of illustrated ephemera documenting women artist exhibitions in Argentina.

Collection of 140 Argentinian Women Artists’ Exhibition Announcements and Catalogsclose

Substantial collection of illustrated ephemera documenting women artist exhibitions in Argentina.

Otoño Imperdonable

María Elena Walsh 1947

Signed presentation copy of Walsh's first book, published when she was just 17.

Otoño Imperdonableclose

Signed presentation copy of Walsh's first book, published when she was just 17.

Quienes traicionaron al pueblo

Magda Portal 1950

Signed first edition of Portal's Aprista manifesto.

Quienes traicionaron al puebloclose

Signed first edition of Portal's Aprista manifesto.

Estudio a Trista

[Raquel Forner] 1955

Signed photograph by the artist, dedicated to the poet Ilka Krupkin.

Estudio a Tristaclose

Signed photograph by the artist, dedicated to the poet Ilka Krupkin.

La Trampa

Magda Portal 1956 [1957]

Semi-autobiographical novel by the revolutionary Peruvian feminist.

La Trampaclose

Semi-autobiographical novel by the revolutionary Peruvian feminist.

Magdalena y Aurora Mira

Victor Herrera Carvacho 1953

The earliest monographic study of the Chilean painters Magdalena (1859-1930) and Aurora (1863-1939) Mira. Extra-illustrated?

Magdalena y Aurora Miraclose

The earliest monographic study of the Chilean painters Magdalena (1859-1930) and Aurora (1863-1939) Mira. Extra-illustrated?

Exposición no. 2. Antonio Bonet: Arquitectura

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona 1960

(Architecture - Latin America) (Museology)

Exposición no. 2. Antonio Bonet: Arquitecturaclose

(Architecture - Latin America) (Museology)

Recuerdos de la Cuba que Dejamos


Nostalgic, anticommunist Cuban photo booklet.

Recuerdos de la Cuba que Dejamosclose

Nostalgic, anticommunist Cuban photo booklet.

Semblanza de la mujer mexicana y su participación en el movimiento obrero [...]

Graciana Becerril de Beltran 1961

Unrecorded? booklet on the history of Mexican women's labor.

Semblanza de la mujer mexicana y su participación en el movimiento obrero [...]close

Unrecorded? booklet on the history of Mexican women's labor.

Untitled Photograph of Alicia Penalba

ca. 1965-1970

Press photo of the Argentinian sculptor at work.

Untitled Photograph of Alicia Penalbaclose

Press photo of the Argentinian sculptor at work.

Maria Fuentealba


(Exhibition Catalogs - Sculpture)

Maria Fuentealbaclose

(Exhibition Catalogs - Sculpture)

Nota Roja: 27 Vintage Photos of Crimes and Accidents

ca. 1970-1980

Nota Roja: 27 Vintage Photos of Crimes and Accidentsclose

Cantar Juvenil. Año I, Núm. 2-3

Juventudes Comunistas de Chile 1975

Unrecorded clandestine poetry serial published by the youth wing of Chile's Communist Party during the Pinochet dictatorship.

Cantar Juvenil. Año I, Núm. 2-3close

Unrecorded clandestine poetry serial published by the youth wing of Chile's Communist Party during the Pinochet dictatorship.

El Espacio Escultórico


Rare and only monograph documenting UNAM’s monumental sculpture park, a landmark of late 20th century Mexican sculpture and urban planning.

El Espacio Escultóricoclose

Rare and only monograph documenting UNAM’s monumental sculpture park, a landmark of late 20th century Mexican sculpture and urban planning.

El solamente quería vivir: En Colombia la acción criminal de los grupos paramilitares [...]

Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia 1988

Labor unions against the paramilitary violence in Colombia, incl. portraits of assassinated organizers.

El solamente quería vivir: En Colombia la acción criminal de los grupos paramilitares [...]close

Labor unions against the paramilitary violence in Colombia, incl. portraits of assassinated organizers.

Five Mexican Gay Liberation Movement Magazines


Five Mexican Gay Liberation Movement Magazinesclose

Four Artists’ Books

Ediciones Vigia 1990-1997

Four Artists’ Booksclose

La lucha política de las mujeres


Propagandistic account of the women's movement in Mexico.

La lucha política de las mujeresclose

Propagandistic account of the women's movement in Mexico.

Revista Mujeres Insurgentes


(Feminism) (Mexico)

Revista Mujeres Insurgentesclose

(Feminism) (Mexico)

Flores en el desierto: Mujeres del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno

Gloria Muñoz Ramírez 2018

(Indigenous Women) (Indigenous Political Organizations) (Horizontalidad)

Flores en el desierto: Mujeres del Concejo Indígena de Gobiernoclose

(Indigenous Women) (Indigenous Political Organizations) (Horizontalidad)

Ciudad Concreto

Ana Lorena Ochoa 2010

(Photobook) (Urban Planning)

Ciudad Concretoclose

(Photobook) (Urban Planning)

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