Flores en el desierto: Mujeres del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
Gloria Muñoz Ramírez, 2018
Muñoz Ramírez, Gloria. Flores en el desierto: Mujeres del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno. Mexico: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung; Desinforémonos, 2018. Square, 22 cm, 175 pp.; profusely illustrated with color reproductions of photographs; color pictorial boards, extremities lightly rubbed, VG.
Interviews and photographs of ten women members of the Indigenous Government Council (Concejo Indígena de Gobierno [CIG]), a political body created in 2016 by the National Indigenous Congress (Council Congreso Nacional Indígena [CNI]) to be a collective indigenous voice united with the EZLN behind a single candidate for the Mexican presidency during the 2018 elections. The chosen candidate, María de Jesús Patricio Martínez, is a Nahua doctor, the CIG spokesperson, and the final interviewee in the present volume.
The book presents the striking stories of these women resistance leaders as they fight racism and the colonial legacy of dispossession to defend their history, language, natural resources, and sacred lands and ceremonies from “la hidra capitalista [que] avanza y avoraza todo lo que está a su alcance.”
The CIG/CNI’s governing principles are anticapitalist, autonomous, and horizontal: “Servir y no servirse, construir y no destruir, obedecer y no mandar, proponer y no imponer, convencer y no vencer, bajar y no subir, representar y no suplantar.”
A book produced intentionally in the public domain, unrecorded in OCLC either in physical or digital formats.