Semblanza de la mujer mexicana y su participación en el movimiento obrero [...]
Graciana Becerril de Beltran, 1961
Becerril de Beltran, Graciana. Semblanza de la mujer mexicana y su participación en el movimiento obrero: Conferencia sustentada en el primer seminario interamericano de capacitación para la mujer trabajadora …. Mexico, D.F.: np, 961. 23 cm. 33 pp.; 4 b/w pls. from photographs, paper toned, small ink notations on p. 13, in stapled wrappers, a bit dogeared and chipped, with small loss at upper corner of front wrap.
Booklet reproduces a lecture on the history of Mexican women’s labor given by Graciana Becerril de Beltran, the secretary of labor relations at the Federacion Obrera de Organizaciones Femeniles de La República de Mexico (FOOF) at a training seminar for working women. Becerril de Beltran begins with a few names from precolonial history (Xochitl etc.), and continues through the colonial period, independence, the revolution, and into the present. She stresses the importance of the worker’s movement and union organizing to the recently successful suffrage movement and female education.
The four introductory plates reproduce photographs of Eva Sámano de López Mateo (first lady of Mexico); Fidel Velázquez (Secretary General of the Confederación de Trabajadores de Mexico); the author, and Hilda Anderson Nevarez (Secretary General of FOOF). Includes an introduction by Anderson Nevarez.
As far as we can determine, otherwise unrecorded.