Cholos a la Neza: Otra identidad de la migración
Pablo Hernandez Sanchez and Federico Gama, 2007
(Photography) (Migration Studies) Hernandez Sanchez, Pablo and Federico Gama. Cholos a la Neza: Otra identidad de la migración. México, DF: Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud, 2007. 26 cm, 134 pp.; profusely illustrated, color boards, sl. dinged at edges.
Documents the cholo identity (tattoos, fashion, cars, music, funerals) of youth in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl (aka “Neza”) from the late 1990s-early 2000s. Neza contains part of one of the largest slums in the world and endemic gang violence. Examines the relationship between this culture and cyclical migration between the US and Mexico; focusing on the adaptation of US cholo culture to communities of origin, and the symbolic recovery of pre-Hispanic elements in the styles of the Neza cholos.
Uncommon, five US holdings in OCLC.