(Contraception) The Dawn of Today: Let Va-Jel open the way [...]
Alpha Laboratory, [ca. 1925-30]
(Contraception) Alpha Laboratory. The Dawn of Today: Let Va-Jel [scientific birth control] open the way to a better happier life for all women. Chicago: N.p., n.d. [ca. 1925]. Single sheet, folded: 6-1/2 x 4-1/4 in., printed recto and verso in pink, [6] pp.; near fine.
Elegantly designed Deco leaflet for Va-Jel germicidal jelly, “a new freedom for women,” and “the key to a happier life,” is “voluntary motherhood.” Aimed at well-bred, but working women? See recto, additional advert for “Va’Antiseptic” douche for the woman “who desires her person to be [...] free from [...] the acrid accumulations of an active day, perhaps continuously upon her feet ....”
Not found in OCLC or Atwater.