Cuautitlán Izcalli. Año I, Núm 1 and Año I, Núm 3
(Urban Design) Cuautitlán Izcalli. Año I, Núm 1(Enero 1972); Año I, Núm 3 (Marzo 1972). [Mexico, D.F.]: N.p., 1972. 2 vols: 31; 32 pp.; reproductions in color of maps, plans, infographics, and photographs, edited by Leon Garcia Soler and designed by Andrea Valeria de Gout. With multiple folding leaves per issue and deluxe printing options including clear plastic interleaves and foil wrappers. Generally very good, except no. 1 with losses to the foil wrappers at extremities (see images).
Officially established in 1973, the CDMX municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli was planned as a self-sufficient, independent city, modeled after European and American urban designs. This magazine promoted the new area in a modern, stylized publication with psychedelic typography and sections on ecology, housing, commercial sectors, and urban forestry.
The original designs for Cuautitlán Izcalli—a Náhuatl phrase meaning “su casa entre los arboles”— were never fully realized. The earthquake of 1985 drove migration to areas outside of seismic activity, including Cuautitlán Izcalli, overwhelming the urban planners and creating large zones of adhoc sprawl.
Unrecorded in OCLC.