Techniques of Law Enforcement Against Prostitution: A Manual [...]
National Advisory Police Committee to the Federal Security Administrator, 1943
(Antiprostitution) (Law Enforcement) United States. National Advisory Police Committee to the Federal Security Administrator. Techniques of Law Enforcement Against Prostitution: A Manual for the Guidance of Enforcement Officers in Proceeding Against Prostitutes and Procurers. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1943. 6-3/16 x 4-5/16 in., 75 pp.; stapled brown wrapper, small mark on front wrap, else near fine.
A manual for “vigorous and intelligent police action,” “Not for general distribution,” sheds light on the criminalization of individual prostitutes in the 1940s. Gives tactical suggestions for arresting streetwalkers, sting operations on call girls and taverns, plainclothes assignments, and independent vice squads.